Separated-Part One

It started after the honeymoon with a love so bright you could have mistook it for the brightest noon One message, two messages then three into a game of conversations but they were not with me Discovering led to a polyandry of connundrums and confusions of interstellar proportions You apologised and told me you would … More Separated-Part One

Flying in to 2013

The Mayans were wrong and right. The world didn’t end but the intelligence of the human race did when gangnam hit 1 billion views (sadly, i contributed to 1…..cmon,I had to see what the fuss was about). 2012 for the most part was very angsty on a personal level but there were several changes to … More Flying in to 2013


Putting aside the controversy that the Summer games has brought, a thought popped into the head of a friend of mine. The Olympics is filled with sports of bias…sports that Africans have for centuries tried to master but always fall terribly short or perhaps do not have conducive weather to compete. We ski and bob … More TROLYMPICS

Truly a pavement

Screw me over once,shame on you. Screw me over a month later after a second chance at redemption,Bob would have choked on his own lyrics. This not not so funny pun of an establishment called The Pavement at Kisementi has tickled the wrong bone. Since I have been sitting on this review for over two … More Truly a pavement